Challenge The Status Quo
Challenge the status quo – verb
: To behave or do something in a way contrary to that which is expected.
: To ask “why” and then identify new and better ways of doing things.
The key to innovation is to step into the unknown, like Ferdinand Magellan’s approach in 1519 to open a maritime trade route resulting in the first circumnavigation of the world. Not only did he find a new route, but he was the first to prove the world was round.
If we embrace this same explorer mindset, we can challenge the status quo, innovate and accomplish more.
Start by thinking differently.
- Are you asking the right questions?
- Is there an opportunity to change?
- Can you get a different set of eyes on the issue?
- How can you get away from “group think” utilizing outside research?
- What additional tools and resources are available to you?
Magellan Medical helps our clients challenge the status quo, innovate, and overcome bias by helping them take an explorer mindset.
We recently created a steep revenue ramp for a client who leveraged our proven process and solid reputation in the field. Our client said our program and the results it delivered were very powerful.
“Magellan really understood and anticipated the nuances of launching innovative technology. With 53 Magellan employees in the field and their management team calling the shots in Minneapolis, the program assisted us in exceeding our revenue goals.” – VP Sales Zimmer